
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Andreivian Progress

Post-Berkeley I’ve been in a bit of a malaise as far as painting goes, not helped by a glut of plums on our tree that needed processing.  That said, three jars of plum schnapps, six of chutney, and a plum clafoutis later I’ve got back to the workbench.

The Henschel 126 is progressing.  I don’t want to reveal too much until it’s finished though.   You’ll have to wait for pics.

I have finished some figures though.  Ian Shaw is working on some Andreivian Armenians for Crisis Point but we’ll need at least two lots as the scenario has them split between two areas.  I looked through the plastics I have knocking around and came up with this Armenian light mortar team.

The commander is an unmodified figure from the Orion Chechen Rebels box.   The ammo carrier is also Orion, from the Russian Federals set.  The original figure is depicted urinating (others in the set are clearly drunk) but he’s teamed here with a Dapol luggage trolley and a white metal Ppsh SMG of forgotten origin.  The mortar No.1 is a plastic figure I was given by Geoff Taylor.  I’ve painted his headscarf in the colours of the recently declared Andreivian Armenian Republic.

Finally, we have the start of a unit of Andreivian paratroopers.  I was looking through the Osprey on Warsaw Pact Elite Forces and noticed that the Airfix “British” paras would pass for 1960s Poles.  I had a box of the Airfix types looking unloved and figured that an elite unit like paras was likely (a) to be loyal to the Andreivian Government and (b) to be given the job of guarding key assets in the centre of the capital.

These are just a few.  I'm planning on emulating Will McNally by painting the whole box (plus a few extras) to give me a platoon-sized force.  

They are going to get a speed-painting approach.  Undercoat/basecoat in Vallejo Grey-Green.  Helmets in Brown Violet (it’s a shade of green, honest), equipment in khaki, boots and helmet straps in Flat Brown, the usual flesh, woodwork and metal colours.  Over the top a wash of brown-dyed varnish and Vanya’s your uncle. 

1 comment:

  1. 'm currently painting some 20mm plastics too and use penny bases.Gives solidity and weight to the figure as well as something to pick them up by.
