
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Express Bridge

This month's Saturday Afternoon WargameTM was a Black Powder game based on the El Perez scenario in the rule book.  This involved a force (in my case pseudo-Russians) escaping by way of a single available bridge.

I would, I planned, use my big (80mm width) river sections.  Unfortunately, at 8pm on Friday I discovered that I didn't own a suitable 6mm scale bridge!  All the 6mm bridges I have are either modern or attached to 30mm river sections (or both).  Several of them are also in Wirral awaiting next weekend's CP6 big battle at Deeside Defenders.

So I did what any self-respecting wargamer would do.  I built a new bridge.

The base is a piece of cork tile painted black and varnished.  The riverbanks are tile grout painted in my usual combination of browns with a Vallejo Iraqi Sand dry brush.  Static grass and Woodland Scenics clump foliage complete the look.

The bridge is made from lengths of coffee stirrer, each scored to make it look like two planks.  The piers are short lengths of bamboo skewer.  A little Green Stuff was used to help secure bridge to river-bank.  Paint, dry-brush, bish-bosh, job's a good un.

More later on the bridge's role in the game.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job Richard. I have just been putting the finishing touches to 5 bridges for the weekend and packing up a load of boxes. Hope it fits in the car!! Cheers Richard
