
Monday, October 20, 2014

Resurrected Helicopters

My force for next year's CP6 Cold War Commander big game (we're doing battles around Hannover in a 1985 WW3 setting) is an air-mobile battlegroup with the following, hastily knocked up justification:

“As the Warsaw Pact drive near Hannover gained momentum, NATO supreme command tasked General Pieter de Groot, Chief of Staff of the Netherlands Army, with assembling an improvised air-mobile reserve to plug any gaps appearing in the ever-more-stretched defensive line. 

‘De Groot’s Fire Brigade’, as it became known to the British at least, took in light infantry, airmobile artillery, and anti-tank units from a number of countries. They rode in a crazy mixture of helicopters, even including some US Marine Corps Sea Knights diverted from the increasingly stable Norwegian front. It was a logistician’s nightmare but it gave SACEUR some confidence that he could respond to a major breakthrough.”  

This got me into thinking what suitable helicopters I could deploy to supplement my, sketchily justified, Boeing Sea Knights.  In the lead pile I found some rather old and battered castings that I acquired as part of an eBay lot.

A lick of paint and a little plasticard gluing later we have:

Two Lynx AH1s and an AH64 Apache.  They are pretty crude castings but the additions of a little detailing in the paint job lifts them nicely.


  1. Looking good, I have some spare helo's if you are interested?
    Richard P

  2. Forgot to say have you seen these?
    Richard P

  3. Oh, thanks Richard I had seen those but had forgotten the supplier's name.

  4. Nice paint job, they'll look good next year.
    Cheers, Andy

  5. Damn! Just released the AH64A is dated as 1986+ in CWC. Guess I can't use it for our 1985 era games. :-(
