
Friday, December 5, 2014

The Art of Warfare in the Age of Marlborough

I've just finished David Chandler's book on warfare between the 1680s and 1740s.  It's really a very readable account and well worth the £8 I paid for it at Fiasco.

To be honest, I started buying 18th century models without any real understanding of the period.  I wanted to try painting some of the Baccus 6mm range and to see what I could achieve with serried ranks of colourful 6mm models.  It was by way of an antidote to years of drab twentieth century modelling.

Having read Chandler, I now feel that I have a basic handle on the period.  The book briefly covers the grand strategy of the period.  It stresses the importance of the huge logistic trains needed to keep the armies in the field and the consequent tendency for campaigns to mostly culminate in a single battle.  We then go on to cover in turn the organisation and tactics of horse, foot, artillery and engineers.  Technology, organisation and tactical role are covered in detail.  The focus is largely on French and British sources but there is some coverage of Dutch, German, Russian and Turkish thought and practice.

Having read the section on artillery I'm firmly of the view that the guys in this action (from a League of Augsburg game in Edinburgh) should be running flat out to get away from those burning ammunition wagons!


  1. Sounds good. I bought a Baccus 7YW British army to kick-start a side project based on purchasing the Maurice rules. Not got a full unit painted up yet but it's a long term project!

  2. Neil,

    I use 3cm square bases with Baccus figures. Fur such bases gives me a unit that works for either Maurice or Black Powder. I switch to cm instead of inches for the latter.
