
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Ancient Ancients

The concentrated rush of figure painting that's grabbed me now that Crisis Point is out of the way continues to bear fruit.  I've now finished a group of figures, most of which I first bought in about 1979!

These Lamming cataphracts (with one later interloper) came from Games of Liverpool about 35 years ago and have been at least partially painted several times but never finished to my satisfaction.

The interloper is the figure second from the right in the picture above.  He came from one of the boxes of random unwanted figures I got from Tim Gow.

They could be used for anyone from Parthians to Sassanids by way of Armenians and for either Impetus or To the Strongest! rules.


  1. Beautiful, they look great, solid and strong!

  2. Thanks, Phil.

    I now have three units of 25mm ancients; early Imperial Romans and perhaps Parthians. Only need another dozen or so units and then I can play Basic Impetus!

  3. Very nice, Richard. I haven't yet played Parthians, but Sassanids are a very pokey army in TtS! Very mobile and shoot-y. Best, Simon

  4. Nice work Richard, Crisis Point seems to have given renewed enthusiasm to many of us. I have been busy with 20mm Andreivia, 10mm TtS, 6mm Moderns, 15mm Napoleonics and 10mm Warband.
    Richard P

  5. Hmm. Having committed myself to doing mass battle games only in 6mm scale I'm having heretical thoughts about maybe trying to build up Roman and Parthian armies using old-school 25mm figures....

  6. You're the Oracle of Andreivia, you can do anything you wish :-)

  7. Old school can look good- I really like what Phil Hendry does with this toys. Some of the minis can still be bought, RAFM for example.
