
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Swiss finished (so far)

At the weekend I finished rebasing my Swiss for Lion Rampant.

The retinue so far is 18 points (target is 24) consisting of two Expert Serjeants (Pikes, at 6pts each), one Fierce Foot (halberdiers, at 4pts) and one Bidowers (handgun-armed skirmishers, at 2pts).

The Bidowers we've seen before...

The Halberdiers have a ridiculously large flag...

First of the Pikemen...

And more Pikemen...

I'm using Michael Leck's 1-2-3 basing style but I'm running short of the three foot/one horse size bases...


  1. These are looking very nice...especially the large flag! Good way to base as well, I haven't seen that idea before.

  2. They are coming together nicely. Loving the large flag, if your going to have one have a big one. I to like the basing idea what diameters are they?
    Richard P

  3. Thanks, guys.

    The 1-2-3 basing style is detailed on Michael's blog here:

    More models soon.
