
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Personalities of Zheltarus and Yesilkara

I decided to have a go at populating my early 18th century imagi-nations using the "Personal Qualities of Commanders" rules from Black Powder combined with some of the ideas in Henry Hyde's The Wargaming Compendium and from Maurice. I could have equally well have pinched ideas  Tony Bath's Setting Up a Wargames Campaign.  All fine source material.  So here are some of the key personalities.  The sections in italics are specific to Black Powder.

Mikhail III, Grand Duke of Zheltarus
Social Status 4
Clever, resourceful and courageous, Mikhail is loved by his men.  His health is poor, though. He is said to cough blood into a silk handkerchief.

General Ostrovski, commander of the Zheltarussian Frontier Corps
Social Status 3
A man of immense ability to quickly assess a situation and act accordingly. Somehow he tends to manage personally to steer clear of the thickest fighting and, perhaps as a result, he is unpopular with the men.
Decisive - can always re-roll a failed Command check but if the re-roll fails it is automatically a blunder.

General Prince Mamurov
Social Status 3
A bull of a man, Mamurov is said to juggle cannonballs in the mess as a party trick.  Though no great thinker, he is popular with the junior officers and rankers.
Headstrong - +1 Staff Rating if he issues orders first in any turn but always blunders on an 11 or 12.

General Robert McCrumb, Scots mercenary officer
Social Status 2
An experienced commander but something of a cold fish, McCrumb has built a reputation for steadiness in defence.  Some say his cold demeanour hides a razor-sharp mind. Others say he keeps quiet to avoid being known for the fool he is.
Hesitant - if he successfully gives an order that results in three moves he must reroll and abide by the second result.

General Willem Fronkensteen, Dutch mercenary officer
Social Status 1
Perhaps the cleverest man Zheltarus, Fronkensteen is a keen student of microscopy.  He is popular with his soldiers who sympathise when he is, all too often, prostrated with severe dysentery.
Decisive - can always re-roll a failed Command check but if the re-roll fails it is automatically a blunder.

Murad the Vicious, Emir of Yesilkara
Social Status 4
Murad is perhaps the perfect eastern potentate; immensely strong, courageous, sharp-witted and loved by all his followers.  His only known weakness is almost terminal maladie imaginaire, which often keeps him confined to his gilded divan.

Harkan Bey, the Vizier
Social Status 3
With his flashing dark eyes and magnificent waxed moustaches, Harken Bey is loved by men and women alike.  With the Emir prostrate, the Vizier charges around Yesilkara keeping the an assortment of governors and tribal leaders in check.

Roustam Bey, Cavalry Commander
Social Status 3
Roustam is in his late eighties and, to be honest, barely has the strength to retain his seat on a horse and sometimes has to be reminded what day it is.  The Sipahis love him, though, for the many victories he has brought them over the years.
Senile - if he successfully gives an order that results in three moves he must reroll and abide by the second result.

Karim Bey, Commander of the Light Horse
Social Status 3
Karim rose to his current status as a result of his long service as a wrestling partner of both the Emir and the Vizier.  He is said to have felled a camel with a single punch.  Sadly his intelligence is closer to that of the camel than it is to his old friends'.
Aggressive - plus 1 to his Staff Rating if giving an order to charge.
Unimaginative - minus 1 to his Staff Rating if giving an order before the Commander in Chief of the army. If he ever blunders, the player rolls twice and chooses one to apply.

There's a few characters to start with.  More will follow later when I get them photographed.