Still, we chatted to a few nice people and enjoyed our lunch in the next-door Pizza Express. Jamie bought some figures for his Arsene Lupin in Andreivia project. I came home with these:
I picked up another pack of Perry Italian Mercenary Crossbowmen. I want to convert my current unit (of Bidowers in Lion Rampant terms) into a full 12 man crossbow unit. Also for Lion Rampant (but for the Bacaudae project) is a pack of Late Roman/Arthurian casualty bases from Curteys Miniatures. These will make great "battered unit" markers. I also bought a pack of 30mm round MDF bases (not shown here) because they seemed good value for money.
Finally, I really splashed out by finally buying my own starter set of the Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game. I bought Charlie a set last Christmas and everyone I've spoken to says it's a better game with multiple starter sets.
Good haul! Shame Baccus and Irregular were not attending.
Richard P