
Monday, March 27, 2017

My Turks

My final contribution to the forces required for Crisis Point is to boost up the Turks.  Most of these will be provided by Will McNally but a Tumbling Dice unit pack purchased at Vapnartak gives us this below-strength platoon/battalion.

The unit consists of a two-man HQ (the commander and senior NCO), two units each of eight riflemen and a two man light machine-gun team, and a three-man medium machine-gun team which can be depicted firing or moving.

The light machine-guns are German MG08/15 models.

The first rifle section/company
The second rifle section/company
The medium MG is the MG08 on its heavy 'quadripod' mount.

And here's the HQ.  You can see that all of the figures are wearing the army's winter headgear of an artificial lambswool cap.  The crowns of the caps are in the infantry colour of dark green.  The caps have moulded-on crosses on their crowns.  My, admittedly limited, research suggests that this is wrong. ORs' caps should have plain tops whilst officers' should have a six-armed 'asterisk' shape in gold lace (see the bimbashi below).

The Bimbashi (CO) and the Bascavus (Sergeant Major)


  1. Ooooh Nice! Less than two weeks to go!

  2. They look really good. Looking forward to it!

    Cheers, Andy

  3. Thanks Andy. I'm starting to sort out what I need to bring. I'll be in danger of filling the spare room with terrain and figures before I'm done!

  4. Change of plan. The spare room now contains a mother-in-law with a broken arm. I'll need to occupy Charlie's bedroom with pre-Crisis Point piles of stuff.

  5. That's a blow. Hope it's not too bad a break. I'm just sorting figures and vehicles into crates ready for packing. Starting early so will hopefully be ready in time!!

    Cheers, Andy

  6. Seems like we have all had the same idea, packing boxes that is, not putting the Mother-in-Law in the spare room ;-)


    Richard P
