
Tuesday, June 6, 2017

What I did instead of Celts

A couple of pieces for Chain of Command...

... first up a Jump Off Point for the late war British...

This is a Raventhorpe figure I've had, unpainted, for many years. It represents Sidney Maxted, the Canadian war correspondent who went into Arnhem with the Paras.  He's wearing the red beret and a Denison smock and he's speaking into his disc recorder as he watches our boys going forward to give Jerry a damn good kicking.

And then we have...

A radio operator.  He came from an artillery crew set I picked up on the bring-and-buy at Gauntlet.  I painted him up when it looked like I might need a forward observer for a forthcoming Chain of Command game.  He may or may not take on that role in the future.  Don't know the manufacturer.


  1. Very nice- the war correspondent is a must have for my collection I think now I've seen yours.



  2. Cheers, Pete. I believe they're available from a US manufacturer now.

  3. You can get Raventhorpe via Facebook group Raventhorpe Sentry Miniatures.

  4. Sidney Maxted, the Canadian war correspondent still available
