Inspired by some of terrain items I've seen decorating the tables in Dave Phipps's excellent Pulp Alley videos on Facebook, I decided to have a go at some of the bits and bobs I've had hanging around for a while.
The Renedra plastic gravestones, an old table-mat and some foamcore gave me this graveyard.
The surrounding wall is covered with brick-paper and topped with card coping stones. The ground-cover is my usual painted-and-drybrushed tile grout covered with a new, home blended mix of fine flock and static grass.
I think the scale works well with 28mm figures...
... and looks OK with 1/72nd miniatures so this piece will probably appear in Andreivia this April.
Also newly off the painting desk is this statue.
Called die Trauernde or the Weeping One, it's from German manufacturer Zitterdes and came from Wargames Emporium. It'll one day take its place in my planned Pavis setup for Song of Blades and Heroes.
And finally we have the couple of gargoyles I bought at the Edinburgh show in the summer.
These too are destined for Pavis. They'll just be inanimate statues, won't they?
Great work- a cemetery is something my terrain collection is lacking. I'll steal some ideas from this I think.
Cheers Pete!
ReplyDeleteLoving the graveyard an excellent addition to any Pulp terrain.
ReplyDeleteCheers, Richard P
Thanks Mr P!