
Monday, August 20, 2018

More Mexicans

I couldn't get to The Other Partizan this weekend as I was required for DIY duties.  However, gaming mate Tom managed attend and has kindly picked up a couple of packs of Foundry 28mm Mexican infantry for me.

This will give me another two groups for my developing Liberal army and neatly saves me a few quid on postage (and the packs are cheaper at shows than they are mail order).  Thanks Tom!

I'm tempted to paint these guys in red jackets as state militia.  That'll mean I can field a mix of smoothbore and rifled muskets in my force.  I'll also have a red-and-white-uniformed soldiers on both sides.  Plenty of scope for in-game confusion!


  1. Yes bumped into Solomon Rubenstein himself on Sunday :-) Most disappointed at the lack of headgear Tom :-). Looking forward to heading up Dungworth way in a few weeks for a game of Sixth Fleet.
    Cheers, Richard P

  2. I introduced Jamie to Sixth Fleet last night.

    We played the basic scenario "Anti-Submarine Warfare in the Western Med". Ended in a draw. As the Soviets I lost an Alfa class but managed to sink USS Baltimore and damage USS Drum but the latter ran away before I could concentrate my forces on it.
