
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Arctic Strike - Grimsby 2018

Last weekend I made the trip to Grimsby Wargames Club's excellent premises to play a weekend of Cold War Commander.  In fact, as I had some stuff I wanted to do in Sheffield in the evenings, I ade the trip there and back three times.  And I only got lost once!

The Cold War Commanders events are, for me, mostly about the craic as our Irish friends would have it.  I far prefer CWC as a smaller game that we playing in these big, multi-player events but the guys are a great bunch and it's always great to catch up with them.

Here are some pics.

Upstairs - after set-up Friday night

Downstairs - after set-up Friday night
Alan Millicheap's Soviet airborne after landing by parachute.
The red dice mark suppressed units!
More Soviet airborne

US 9th High Tech Light Division guard one of the
three airfields in the game
More US 9th (Mark Fry's toys)

A 9th Light Div Stinger near the roadworks

Game in progress - upstairs

NATO off table artillery support.  The turrets a reminders of
the presence of naval gunfire support
Norwegian Home Guard

More Norwegians in defence
And that's it!  I mostly took videos this year and I'm going to try and stitch them together into something that can go on Youtube eventually.

Thanks are due to the Grimsby club for organising, to all the guys for a most friendly weekend, and especially to Richard Phillips for his superb organisation and for producing most of the terrain!


  1. I must say I'm looking forward to seeing the film of the games. Straight Outta Grimsby meets A Bridgehead Too Far?

  2. Very cool. You mention this being too big a game. What is your ideal size of CWC game?

    Is there another rule set you use to play bigger games?

  3. Personally I like to play with the size of forces we used at Joy of Six - a reinforced battalion on each side.

    No, I haven't got an alternative set of rules and I don't suppose the guys would agree on a single set anyway!
