
Thursday, February 7, 2019

Crisis Point 2019 Update - edited 28/2/19

Things are looking good for Crisis Point (30th and 31st March).
Confirmed attendees so far (edited 28/2/19 to include Will McNally, great to have you on board Will)  are:
Richard Crawley
Jamie Crawley
Richard Phillips
Andy Canham
Mark Julian
Ian Shaw
Arthur Woodward
Leo Flewitt
Ron Pierce
Russ Phillips
Kevin Tingle
Mark Kniveton
Harry Maudsley
Neil McCusker
Andy Taylor
Phil Buchanan
Mike Wallace
Will McNally
Mike Whitaker
Possibly Stuart Adams - family commitments 

We have five different games on offer, some of them consisting of multiple sessions so it should be very possible for people to swap between games over the weekend:

Rules and scale
Menton, 1940

French vs Italians on the Mediterranean coast in June 1940. “You’d have to be a lunatic to want to game that campaign” - Richard Clarke

6x4 table, 3 - 5 players

Could run Italian attack as game 1, French counter-attack as game 2

Richard C

Chain of Command, 20mm (may switch to AoF if need to accommodate more players)
Dertosa, 215BCE
Romans vs Carthaginians using fun, fast play rules.  6x4 table  
Richard C
To The Strongest!, 28mm
Piedmont 1794
Small skirmish during the French Revolutionary War. 3x3 table, 4 players
Jamie C
Song of Drums and Shakos, 28mm
Gallipoli ‘89
1989 WW3 - Turkish v Soviet Naval Infantry/VDV assault on Istanbul. Gallipoli ’89, basically.  6x8 table
Neil Mc & Andy T
Cold War Commander, 6mm
Israelis in Beirut
1989 WW3 - Soviet naval infantry vs Israelis and various local factions. 
Kevin T
Force on Force, 20mm
German invasion of Malta, WW2 (two-day mini-campaign). 5x8 table
Richard P, Andy C , Mark J
Battlegroup, 20mm


The game slots across the weekend could be as follows:

Saturday table 1
Malta campaign
Saturday table 2
Menton game 1
Menton game 2
Saturday table 3
France v Austrians game 1
France v Austrians game 2
Sunday table 1
Malta Campaign
Sunday table 2
Sunday table 3
Finish Dertosa then boardgames?
Sunday table 4
Israelis in Beirut

 If the Beirut and Gallipoli teams (those who are there Saturday) want to at least start setting up Saturday evening after their Saturday games are finished I’m sure we can accommodate that.


  1. That's a great list looking line up Mr C, with very diverse games. Interested in the Malta game, I hope there are some Gloster Gladiators present!

  2. Looking forward to seeing you and Neil there Andy!
