
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Muskets and Mangoes - A Future Project?

This, with its Blutac stains, rips, and muddy cat paw prints, is the original master map of the Woebetide Islands, location of some of the world's finest mango plantations.

The Woebetides were the setting for a play-by-email campaign I ran over several months in 2000.  The campaign covered the less-than-peaceful coexistence of British and Vichy French colonies in these little-known (OK, fictional) Indian Ocean islands in 1942.  In the end the British launched a victorious operation that installed a pro-deGaulle administration in Charleville.

I recently rediscovered some of the campaign notes and was reminded what great fun it all was.

Meanwhile, I've been hankering to do some Sharp Practice at the earlier end of its timescale - the first half of the 18th century.  The availability of the Warlord Games War of the Spanish Succession figures in plastic is tempting me.

But then again I keep looking at Indian Mutiny games and thinking, "That would be fun - so many great plot ideas!"  

Now, I could do 18th century British vs French in India but I don't know much about the history other than that it all seems to really kick off a bit later; during the Seven Years' War.

Then this morning the thought came to me.  Why not game the first British and French involvement in the Woebetides?  There are plenty of opportunities to involve the Arab traders in their coastal settlements, the African-descended natives in the hills, and probably pirates too!

The final stage in my evolving thought process is that maybe this could be a project for a future Crisis Point?  I rather fancy the idea of having multiple factions, each with multiple objectives, running around a big table that represents the whole of the main island.  It's about a day's forced march from end to end.

The only problem with that idea is that Sharp Practice isn't great at multi-faction games.  But then I've been looking for an excuse to try Muskets and Tomahawks....


  1. Good luck
    My 28mm Warlord WoSS has started in a similar way

  2. Good luck
    My 28mm Warlord WoSS has started in a similar way

  3. It would just hist the tail-end of 'The Pikeman's Lament', or the beginnings of 'Rebels and Patriots' as well.

  4. I'm just finishing assembly of some of the Marlboroughian infantry and artillery, to go with my 28mm pirates in the Caribbean! I'm currently planning to use "Rebels & Patriots"

  5. Thanks for the ideas guys.

    I enjoy the Lion Rampant rules family but I’ve yet to be convinced about them as appropriate for big multi-faction games. I’ll give it further thought though.

  6. Will,

    28mm? That’s a radical departure for you isn’t it?

  7. I like to keep up with the current fashion!
