
Friday, April 19, 2019

The first Woebetideus

It looks like there's a good chance I'll go ahead with revisiting the Woebetide Islands as the setting for an early eighteenth century skirmish campaign.  The owners of Wargames Illustrated seem to be keen that I do this as they've been mounting sprues of Woebetideus natives on the front cover of the magazine.

I say Woebetideus natives; WI (and manufacturers Warlord Games) regard them as Zulus or Natal Native Contingent but we know better of course.

I've got three of the four finished so far along with a dead Woebetideus left over from a pack I used in putting together a Gloranthan Hordes of the Things army many years ago.

I don't particularly want these guys to look like transplanted Zulus so I'm going for the Natal Native Contingent look wherever possible.  For preference I'm using the NNC heads and the smaller shields.

Wargaming mate Chris has donated a second sprue so in a week or two I hope to have eight Woebetideus tribesmen.  That's enough for a first unit for either Sharp Practice or Muskets and Tomahawks.


  1. Hi Richard, we're away this weekend, but email me your address and I'll put my sprue in the post to you. Nice to see it put to some use.

  2. Cheers Neil, that's great. I will indeed drop you and email.


  3. Definitely Woebetideus 😂😂

  4. Would this month's WI sprue if American militia work as Woebetidian settlers? Coz I don't need them either and would see them go to a good home...
