As usual I've got a couple of games planned for the Christmas period.
First up is a first run-out for my 6mm Death of Gustavus Adolphus game.
This is to be run using The Pikeman's Lament by Dan Mersey and Michael Leck.
If we get too many players for the Gustavus Adolphus game (always tough to judge as people tend to sign up or drop out at the last minute) I'll run a parallel game of The Pikeman's Lament using by recently rebased (and still to be flocked) 15mm Samurai...
And finally, I intend to run a scenario called Incident at Fearnley Whittingstall, a Second World War skirmish using the Arc of Fire rules and set in the small Dorset village of that name. No more details at present to avoid spoiling any surprise but here's one of the village buildings that's currently on the workbench.
ReplyDeleteThe 6mm GA game looks interesting. I use 6mm for mass battle stuff, but have been looking at it more and more for this kind of "mass skirmish" stuff. I'm such a damn magpie that being able to knock out multiple periods in this scale is worth considering. Looking forward to full coverage of the game!
Thanks FMB, I'll try not to disappoint!