
Thursday, April 23, 2020

A possible Woebetides table layout

I've downloaded a new drawing package for the Mac.  It's freeware called Paintbrush and its very reminiscent of Paint on a Windows machine.  I thought I'd try it out by drawing a diagrammatic version of Grand Woebetide in the early eighteenth century.

The mid-green areas are coastal plain areas, partly scrubby but mostly cleared for agriculture. The dark green marks the edges of the forested central highlands.

The white area is the home range of the Woebetideus people.  We'll treat it was largely impassable but in fact it will be the "hole" in the centre of the table to allow gamers access to both sides of the coastal plain tables.

I wanted an Arab settlement on the north coast so I've added the fishing settlement of Alsamaka (Arabic for 'fishy') - it was presumably abandoned by the 1940s as it doesn't appear on my old wartime map of the island.

Fort James to Fort Charles is about 12 miles as the Woebetide Spotted Pigeon flies. Using the space available to us at Dungworth Green Hall I reckon we could build our bath-tubbed Grand Woebetide twenty feet or more in length.

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