
Saturday, December 26, 2020

Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus everybody!

That's "Merry Christmas" in Latvian, for no particular reason. I hope everybody's had a suitably indulgent day?  

Traditional display of wargames-related presents received:

I'm really pleased with all of this. The L-shaped ruler is something I've seen terrain-builders using online and thought "Oh that'd really help with marking out walls for scratch-built houses". 

The Copplestone Future Wars miniatures are to form a new gang for Rogue Stars. It'll be fun to paint them up and then stat them for the rules.

Finally, the small ziplock bag is African native accessories from Foundry - baskets, jars, statues, bunches of bananas, and skulls on poles among other items. Great for detailing Woebetideus villages. Some of them may also see use in the Pavis project. 


  1. Your T-Square appears to missing the more traditional "inches." You might want to see about a refund.

    :) Merry Christmas!

  2. Or, Ski, I could just turn it over to the inches side ;-)

    Actually I virtually never work in inches. Don't see the point of wasting time trying to work out if the small divisions on that bit of the ruler are eighths, sixteenths or whatever.
