
Tuesday, January 5, 2021

There's a little yellow idol...

One of the buildings I knew I needed for the Woebetideus campaign was the Hindoo temple at Pandigore. It's an important landmark and, who knows, it might become relevant as the plot develops.

Last weekend I completed construction and painting:

The base is PVC board. The low retaining wall around the pond, the walkway, and the plinth on which the temple sits are cut as a single piece from a sheet of foam-core. Brick-work added with Green Stuff, stones from thin card.

The walls are also foam-core with stippled paintwork.  The roof is made from thin card.

Inide the temple you can just glimpse the golden statue of Ganesh, purchased at Penkridge last year.  The wall paintings were found on the internet, printed to size, and stuck on with Pritt!