
Saturday, April 24, 2021

Back to Shot, Steel and Stone (updated)

I thought I’d have another go at playing Henry Hyde’s Shot, Steel and Stone rules. I’m using my 6mm Great Northern War period figures with the Russians representing the Grand Duchy of Zheltarus and my Swedes (on their first outing) the nation of Blåland.

I’ll be soloing Charles Grant’s Bridge Demolition scenario from a very old edition of Battle for Wargamers magazine. 

I’ll let you know how it goes.

SS&S is going along nicely. I can't recall what problem I had with the sequence of play when I first tried to run it for friends.

Four game turns in the Blålanders are deployed to defend the river crossing and their engineers are well on with the job of preparing the bridge for demolition.

Two Zheltarussian infantry brigades are marching down the western and northern roads towards the bridge.

General Broden, the Blålander cavalry commander, has rather lost control of the situation however.  Whilst he has his left-hand regiment, the Nyland cavalry, well in hand, the Småland Regiment have chased off in pursuit of a couple of squadrons of cossacks on the far right flank!

The northern Zheltarussian column is commanded by none other than Oleg, duke of Lil, the younger brother of Grand Duke Mikhail!  I anticipate a mighty clash of armies very soon.

Nyland cavalry Regiment (foreground)
faces Ostrovski's dsmounted dragoons
and behind them, von Grün's infantry.

Turn five has been bloody so far.  The Nyland cavalry, led by General Broden, charged Ostrrovski's dragoons. The latter rolled 3 (on 2d6) for their morale check and decided to evade through the gap between their infantry and the forest. 

The Nyland charged on and smashed into von Grün's infantry behind. The Zheltarussians fired but only inflicted two figures' worth of casualties; not enough to stop the charge. I decided von Grün's were not particularly well-drilled so they were hitting simultaneously with the cavalry. The result was a slaughter - seven unsaved hits on the infantry, none on the cavalry! The Zheltarussians broke completely!

The Nyland cavalry smash through von Grün's
infantry. General Metekov and the column of
Oranijov's infantry regiment are in serious danger!


  1. Excellent, glad to see the rules working. Been trying to think what the problem was as well but cannot for the life of me remember.

  2. I think it’s the timing of response to being charged. You take a morale check but if you get a retreat result it doesn’t take effect until it’s your turn.

  3. Subsequent to this game, I've managed to make contact with Henry via the Shot Streel and Stone Facebook group.

    It turns out that my instinct when I first played the game was correct. Morale results affecting units that are the subject of a charge take effect immediately, not in the unit's own turn.
