
Tuesday, October 19, 2021

La Rosa Amarilla

I'll be running my Maximilian Adventure Sharp Practice game "Cortina at Matamoros" at this year's Steel Lard event in November. As the Hotel La Rosa Amarilla plays an important part in the scenario, I thought it might be fun to add some interior detail.

The hotel is a building I bought from the bring and buy at Vapnartak a couple of years ago. So far I've upgraded the sign on the roof.

Jamie has a few tables and chairs left over from his Pulp Alley game set in the Andreivian State Museum but on their own they looked a bit lost in the interior so I've started building some more detail. Nothing very sophisticated but last night I managed to produce a table and a bar.

The bar is from various scrap materials with a painted cocktail stick brass rail. The jar on the bar (the jar on the bar has the pellet with the poison) is one of many I've made; they're a good way to use up spare Green Stuff.

The card table is from off-cuts of plastic card:

The tequila glasses are from fine plastic rod and the cards themselves are just thick paper.

I have some beds part way through construction on the workbench.


  1. It looks wonderful. Great job.

  2. Excellent 👍 I have some round tables and chairs plus some benches if you want them?

  3. Thanks Richard. I’m going to Fiasco and can look for some there but if we get together for a game before Steel Lard a loan of yours might be helpful.
