This past weekend saw the second Steel Lard wargaming day at Jury's Inn in Sheffield. My report will follow shortly but first: the Hen of the South.
This is the award given to the player deemed guilty of the most egregious act of cowardice in any of the games. Last year Jamie won the award when, in John Savage's Retreat from Moscow game he stood off and bombarded a column of retreating French civilians rather than mounting a suicidal charge. Pretty realistic from what I understand of events at the time!
Earlier this week I got a message from Chris Barnes that basically said, "Help, can you make us a new Hen of the South award? By Saturday!"
Looking through the bits box I found that I had one 28mm hen left over from a set of farmyard animals I'd bought to adorn the settlements of the Woebetide Islands. Not much to work with but rooting about in the bits box, inspiration struck...
I was going for the effect of wrap-around glass on the front half and brickwork at the rear. I'm not entirely happy with it but it was the best I could manage in a couple of evenings' work.
I'm told the award was presented to Kev Pierce for somehow managing to kill only five figures all day across six hours of gaming!
Nice One!