
Friday, December 10, 2021

I've bitten the bullet

Whilst in London on Tuesday I popped into Orc's Nest on Earlham Street and picked up another box of Perry ACW infantry. The last box if these I bought became the main body of my Sharp Practice Mexican Republican force. This lot are destined to help me portray Ellett's Mississippi Marine Brigade under the same rules.

This unit is going to need a large number of peaked caps. I've used up all of the service caps from my Napoleonic Prussian infantry. If anyone has any going spare I'd be very grateful.  In the meantime I've had a go at making one from Green Stuff and plastic card (rear left). We'll see how it paints up. 

These infantry can be added to a few other figures I made earlier but haven't previously revealed here. These first two were left over from the Mexican Republican infantry project.

While the artillery box I bought, also for Mexico, is in the process of providing the Marines with some useful firepower. Another crewman in needed and there's a little more weathering to do on the gun.


  1. Nice to know they are open again.

  2. Crumbs, is Orc's Nest still there, I remember an odd gaming RPG/magazine shop from the late 80s being there

  3. Does that mean that I can finally get a paddle steamer 😂😂

  4. Khusru, I didn't realise they'd been shut. If I'd made the walk (not far but it was pissing down and I was wearing my work suit) and found they were shut I'd have been seriously hacked off!

  5. Will, Earlham Street in Covent Garden, just over the road from Fopp? If that's where it was then, yes, it's still there!

  6. Richard, if you must they yes, it could be appropriate. ;-)

  7. Actually thinking about it, Fopp wouldn't have been there in the 80s. About 100 yards from Seven Dials - does that help?
