
Thursday, June 2, 2022

Steel Lard 2022 (updated)

For my many sins I've copped for organising 2022's Steel Lard - a festival of Too Fat Lardies games in Sheffield.  We're talking to a new venue (not far from the previous one at Jury's inn) and I'm hopeful that we'll be going ahead on 19th November.

This weekend I'm working on firming up the initial list of games on offer. So far we have:

WW1 in Mesopotamia by Ken Reilly using the If The Lord Spares Us rules.

A Chain of Command game by Graeme Atkinson set somewhere near Tobruk.

Up The Arras: Bloody April 1917 by Alex Sotheran using the Algernon Pulls It Off rules.

And finally for now, Richard Phillips and I will be running a Sharp Practice game provisionally titled Riga 1812 - A Spy in the Suburbs.

We also have the promise of games from Charley (the Duns Dilettante) Walker and Richard (the Sage of St Albans) Clarke.

I'll add to this list as we get more games confirmed.