Tuesday, September 27, 2022
On the workbench - sort of
Friday, September 23, 2022
Picts Finished!
The recently acquired box of Gripping Beast Picts is done. I now have four units of Pictish warriors and two of skirmishers for use with Lion Rampant.
Saturday, September 10, 2022
Reinforcements arrive!
I popped down to Wargames Emporium yesterday to make sure I had some models to keep me going for a few more weeks.
The Victrix French artillery (or at least one of the three teams in the pack) will be converted into Westphalian artillery for use in our 1812 Livonia campaign.
I've decided I far prefer the visual impact of 28mm for Sharp Practice. I think I'll probably sell off my 20mm Napoleonics.
The Picts will get based up for Lion Rampant to join the metal ones I finished recently.
Thursday, September 8, 2022
Ebor Lard 2022 Report
On Saturday Tom Davis kindly drove Alex Sotheran and I up to Green Hammerton (near York) for the annual Ebor Lard games day. As usual there was a feast of gorgeous looking Too Fat Lardies games on offer.
In the morning I played in John Savage's The Eagle Has Landed 55BC, an Infamy Infamy game in which a Roman landing party attempted to make off with the captured British king Churchilliax in a coup de main aimed at paving the way for Julius Caesar's invasion.
As usual with John's games the terrain was lovely.
Friday, September 2, 2022
I'm not long for this world!
Barring a few bits of assorted junk, these six Goth cavalry represent the end of my 28mm lead (and plastic) mountain. And as we know, a wargamer with no figures left to paint must soon meet his maker!
The plan is to use them to play Lion Rampant but I may also have a go at adapting Infamy Infamy to the fourth century.