
Saturday, September 10, 2022

Reinforcements arrive!

I popped down to Wargames Emporium yesterday to make sure I had some models to keep me going for a few more weeks.

The Victrix French artillery (or at least one of the three teams in the pack) will be converted into Westphalian artillery for use in our 1812 Livonia campaign.

I've decided I far prefer the visual impact of 28mm for Sharp Practice. I think I'll probably sell off my 20mm Napoleonics.

The Picts will get based up for Lion Rampant to join the metal ones I finished recently.


  1. Excellent! The Grim Reaper averted 🤣😂

  2. Hi!
    I'm finding now I've retired that painting can fill some time in a useful way. Luckily I enjoy it if not overdone. It's also filled holes in my figure collection for Frostgrave, Sell Swords and Spell Slingers, The Silver Bayonet as well as 6mm Napoleonics.
    Keep buying!

  3. Richard

    Yeah, I may just make it to the end of the month!

  4. Khusru

    Yeah, retirement's proving very enjoyable so far.

    I have a Silver Bayonet in my Napoleonic collection. To me she's the pistol-packing Lady Mondegreen.

  5. Nice projects. I'm finishing off some Late Romans, before adding some Gripping Beast Dark Age Warriors and Archers as Limitani to go with the field army. Should keep me going through to Christmas.

    Cheers, Andy

    1. Excellent we will have to arrange a big Late Roman game as we all seem to have decent sized armies

  6. My Late Romans are all based for Impetus. But happy to rebase if we will be playing enough games.

  7. My only hesitation about playing To The Strongest Late Romans in 28mm is that I've already got an extensive collection to do it in 6mm.

    Having said that, it's very forgiving on basing standards - as long as the unit will fit in the relevant sized box you're OK.

    I'm tempted to have a go at adapting Infamy Infamy to the period. That'll certainly work with Impetus-style basing and may be doable with my 1-2-3-based chaps too.
