
Sunday, February 26, 2023

Plan for the year

I know we're well into February but I'm just now beginning to get a picture of what I want to get done over the coming, let's say, ten months.

First up, I plan to host at least one game a month across the year. The emerging Samurai campaign using The Pikeman's Lament will go some way to making that a reality.

I've got quite a lot of ACW figures still to finish. I'll certainly get them done and plan to organise a Sharp Practice mini-campaign based on the operations of the Mississippi Marine Brigade but that'll probably be towards the end of the year.

Before that, Richard P and I have a plan to do some Sharp Practice set in Latvia in 1812 and we're also down to run the Riga game at Sherwood Outlard in April.

I've decided that a major modelling project will be to concentrate on upgrading my existing stuff rather than buying loads of new terrain and armies. This afternoon I've been upgrading some 20mm Fallschirmjäger and painting a second Humber Scout Car (the original one, furthest from the camera, was done a year or more ago). 

I've also upgraded this ruined building from Commission Figurines, adding more rubble, internal floors and roof as well as adding more painted detail to the exterior.

I'm tempted to have a go at adding some broken glass to the windows but that may be a step too far.

I'd like to get my 20mm Second World War collection to the kind of standard that I'd be happy using it to present a game of Chain of Command at a Lardy Day. That's a high standard to aspire to though. Not sure my existing plastic figures will cut the mustard, even with improved paint jobs.


  1. Now you are retired you can try printing what you need om a 3D printer - only a few months to learn from your mistakes and then the world is your oyster.

    Seriously if you need an odd 20mm item let me know and I'll see if I can add it to my print schedule for you.


  2. Cheers Wil that's a kind offer.

    My getting a 3D printer is not beyond the bounds of possibility, though I don't think I want to mess around with resin.

  3. A good mix of projects and objectives there Richard. I look forward to seeing how they all progress:).
