
Thursday, June 1, 2023

Latest 3D printing

As I continue to get the hang of the 3D printer I'm trying a variety of different subjects.  Just finished this morning are these 1/300th scale vehicles, some of which might find a use in the Prague Summer 1948 game.

They are all by New Zealand-based Thingiverse user M_Bergman. They were originally uploaded in 1/200th scale but they've worked OK printed at 1/300th with a 0.15mm layer height.

First up are some JS-IIs:

Half a dozen M3 scout cars should be useful for WW2 US and Soviet forces and perhaps in 1948 as well.

Finally, you can never have too many trucks. These are GMCs ...



  1. They look great Mr C! I can see them being used in the Prague Summer. Perhaps if you have any Red Star or Soviet number decals you could apply them to the sides of the JS11 turrets, to cover up the print lines?

  2. Thanks Andy.

    I usually hand paint my markings on 1/300th tanks. I'm not sure decals would sit nicely over the print lines.
