This scenario book was designed for the Challenger II rules, which operate at one-model-equals-one-vehicle level, so the forces will be a little small for TacWWII. We may need to scale them up in some cases.
I'm going to have a go at converting the first scenario in the book, Tel Al Fal - The Road To Jerusalem, 6th June 1967. This Six Day War action has Israeli forces encountering a Jordanian tank battalion on the Ramallah-Jerusalem road.
First up we need to consider the map. The Challenger ground scale is half that of TacWWII (1cm = 20m rather than 1cm = 40m) so we need to halve dimensions; Bruce's 8'x6' table becomes a 4'x3' for TacWWII.
Each contour is supposed to be half a vehicle high but we have no single contour hills here so normal hills or ridge lines will work. I've suggested with brown lines where I think ridge-lines could go if you don't have suitably shaped hills.
The woods are keyed as "Open orchard/olive grove" and a look at Google Maps shows that although the area is now far more built-up, the olive trees are quite widely spaced. They'll be Open Woods in Tac. The fields are lined with low stone walls.
The Israeli forces consist of a tank battalion with some attached paratroops. The full order of battle is given but we need to remember that one model here represents one real-world tank. So long as the number of vehicles per platoon isn't too divergent between the opposing sides we should be OK to just say, "One platoon equals one TacWWII element".
In this case, the Battalion HQ could be an M3 or a Sherman. I'd be inclined to go with the latter given its superior survivability in battle.
The organisation of the para company is given separately:
We can ignore the company HQ; it's deemed to be included in our overall company strength. I would include a Jeep platoon with RCLs even though it represents only two real-world vehicles. It adds interest to the game and won't make a huge difference to scenario balance. The rest of the formation can be converted over on a one-platoon-equals-one-element basis. This gives us overall:
82nd Tank Battalion
- Bn HQ 1x Sherman Mk50
- A Coy 3x Sherman Mk50
- B Coy 3x Sherman Mk50
- C Coy 3x Sherman M1
- Para Coy 3x SMG platoon, 1x 81mm mortar, 4x M3, 1x Jeep+RCL
Rules for SMG-armed infantry are given in version 1.6 of TacWWII. Basically, treat them as High Firepower infantry at 5cm range and Low Firepower infantry at longer ranges. Each SMG platoon will be treated as having bazooka.
The Jordanian force is similar in size:
If we are to represent the battalion HQ on the table we could just give them a Saracen model. This would be vulnerable and would add nothing to the formation's firepower. However, TacWWII doesn't actually require the presence of a battalion HQ element - there are no command radii or suchlike to measure from a headquarters model. As such I'm inclined to just ignore the single Saracen.
The Jordanian infantry company looks like this:
Again we can fold this HQ into the overall strength of its company. Light mortars and LMGS are assumed to be reflected in the firepower rating of the rifle platoons. The two sustained-fire machineguns are a challenge. You know what? I'm going to fold them into the rifle platoons too, rating them as high firepower. That just leaves to two Landrovers and the two AA machine-guns. With no aircraft in the scenario I'll ignore the guns and represent the Landies as a single model just like we did with the Israeli Jeeps.
So the Jordanian force is:
2nd Battalion, 60th Armoured Brigade
- A Coy 4x M47
- B Coy 4x M47
- Inf Coy 3x Rifle platoon, 3x Saracen, 1x 3" mortar, 1x Truck, 1x LR+RCL
Overall, then, we have a nice little scenario that will play comfortably on a smallish table and should provide for a leisurely evening's solo or face-to-face gaming.
Oh dear! The scenario is showing its age! The Orbats and unit designations are completely out!
ReplyDeleteIDF 82 tank battalion was in Sinai with Centurions.....
In the Central sector, the battles with the Jordanians were by troops from the Golan front or 10 "Harel" MB under Uri Ben-Ari. This had 95 tank btn with 61xM-51 Sherman in 4 coys and an attached coy of Sho't Meteor (Centurion 105mm).
The brigade had two mech btns 104 and 106.
The Paras and M-1 Sherman were in Jerusalem. He may have been thinking of 182 tank btn - Central territorial GASHAP with 58 M-1, 5 M-50 and 8 M-51 which fought there. 55 Airborne had no transport - shipped in buses. Jerusalem Brigade had some halftracks and a coy of M-1.
60 AB had two btns of M-48 and 1 btn mech in M113 (3 & 5 tank, 3 mech) also had SPG M-52 and M-42 Duster spAA.
Hope this helps,
Thanks Neil, I can always rely on you to correct the errors on Middle East stuff! It's very much not my area of expertise; I was really only using it as a way to illustrate my thought processes on converting smaller scale scenarios!
DeleteMaybe Bruce didn't have any Jordanian M113 models? I hadn't realised they used them in 1967, but it isn't part of the front I'd particularly gamed. It looks like a very similar scenario to the old WRG ones I used to play in the 1970s. Lots of tanks and (some) mechanised infantry!
ReplyDeleteI briefly cast an eye over the Challenger II rules while putting this post together. The "I wonder what it would be like to try Challenger again?" lasted about 30 seconds.
DeleteThanks Richard, it's one of those subjects I've become an anorak on! ☺
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting how many wargamers have fallen foul of IDF secrecy on unit ID - then you read the published stuff and understand why- so many contradictions and errors. I'd love to know where Granovsky got his material.
Old rules - yea- was looking at WRG 1685-1845 - which aren't that bad, but didn't quite hit the spot, so looked at Koenig Krieg- not sure how I ever played them as I couldn't get my head around the order sequence!
Cheers Neil. I really appreciate you engaging with the content here!