Among the events happening during the course of the Crisis Point Woebetides campaign will be the need to explore the islands searching for clues to solve an on-going mystery. To support this, I've started to build Plot Point markers (inspired by a mechanism in Pulp Alley).
The latest is this skeleton propped up in the corner of an old ruin somewhere in the interior.
The skeleton itself is from a box that my son Charlie bought years ago but never did anything with. It took a bit of hacking and bending to get it off its original base and into a suitably slumped position but I think it works. I've added a hat from the Warlord plastic War of the Spanish Succession infantry box and a jar from the Wargames Foundry African village accessories. The wall is from foamcore with the paper layers removed and stonework carved in.
Next up we have a magazine from the French fort under construction on Petit Woebetide.
Finally we have this cave entrance. I think it may have appeared here before but it now has the back blocked up with black card and looks a whole lot better in a decent photograph.
Excellent additions to the game. Can't wait to get together for Crisis Point 👍
ReplyDeleteThanks Richard, me too!