
Tuesday, June 15, 2021

More Woebetides Terrain

Among the events happening during the course of the Crisis Point Woebetides campaign will be the need to explore the islands searching for clues to solve an on-going mystery. To support this, I've started to build Plot Point markers (inspired by a mechanism in Pulp Alley).

The latest is this skeleton propped up in the corner of an old ruin somewhere in the interior.

The skeleton itself is from a box that my son Charlie bought years ago but never did anything with. It took a bit of hacking and bending to get it off its original base and into a suitably slumped position but I think it works. I've added a hat from the Warlord plastic War of the Spanish Succession infantry box and a jar from the Wargames Foundry African village accessories. The wall is from foamcore with the paper layers removed and stonework carved in.

Next up we have a magazine from the French fort under construction on Petit Woebetide.

Like the docks seen here previously, the main structure is from Firedragon Games stamped XPS foam on a PVC board base. The earth banks surrounding the structure are from layers of foamcore with my usual Tetrion coating.Door frame and door from thin card and MDF off-cuts.

Finally we have this cave entrance. I think it may have appeared here before but it now has the back blocked up with black card and looks a whole lot better in a decent photograph.


  1. Excellent additions to the game. Can't wait to get together for Crisis Point 👍
