
Monday, November 14, 2022

A random figure

As I think I've said here before, I'm currently really enjoying painting figures just for the hell of it - no wargaming aim in mind. The latest product of this is one of the random chaps in the bag of bits I bought at Wargames Emporium.

When I opened the pack I looked at the long gaiters and thought, "Oh, that's a First World War American infantryman". However, having looked at the details of the uniform, I decided he's more likely an early Second World War American - perhaps one of the defenders of Wake Island? 

That's what I've painted him as. He wants varnishing and basing and then he'll probably go into my figures-that-might-be-useful-in-Pulp-games collection.

So far, painting the contents of the bag of bits, which remember cost me a fiver, has produced:
  • a few 6mm Napoleonics that went to Dex McHenry after he was incautious enough to suggest that he might be tempted by that period and scale,
  • a 28mm model of John McClane from Die Hard,
  • a 28mm WW1 German officer,
  • three 6mm scale aircraft for WW2,
  • various 6mm ancients that appeared in last Christmas's HOTT game,
  • three 6mm Hummer ambulances, 
  • three BT-7 tanks that will be sold eventually, and
  • some 6mm scale defensive positions that have joined my terrain collection.
As well as the chap above. Not bad!