Having printed and painted some marker trays for Rogue Stars I thought I'd have a go at the game to remind myself of how the rules work.
I decided on a starport setting (so didn't roll for terrain) but rolled up the "Rescue" mission profile. The roll for complications gave me "Space Demon", which I decided to ignore while I got back to remembering how to play!
It seemed like a good idea to baptise my starport security building. This suggested a mission by the crew of the free trader Gilgamesh to rescue a crew member held in the cell. The Okh security team would be holding the fort.
I deployed the Okh inside the security building (green with the dark grey roof) apart from one constable standing guard on the door. Roslyn, the free trader's engineer, was in the cell inside.
Roslyn in her cell |
The game began with the Okh having the initiative thanks to a roll of 1 by the free trader's crew. Constable Zok moved from his position guarding the door to a location from which he could see black-clad Iklwa approaching with drawn vibro-sword.
Three failures to activate gave Iklwa three reaction chances. He succeeded with all three, sprinting six inches then jumping eight thanks to his bionic legs before striking a blow that immediately put Zok out of the action!
Meanwhile, the robotic member of the Gilgamesh crew, D4QP, approached the door to the security building. It came under fire from Sergeant Gnaar from the roof and replied causing one Pin to the sergeant.
I assumed that, at least initially, the door to the building was in automatic opening mode à la Star Trek. Later the Okh inside would lock it. This resulted in some exchanges of point blank fire through the doorway. Eventually D4QP was put out of action.
By this time insectoid crewman Kekkex and Captain Sabrina had approached the building and started to engage those within in a close-range firefight.
Eventually we ended up with a situation where only three figures remained active! Constable Glyke took a critical hit to the head before spectacularly failing his Endure roll. Dead!
Kekkex and Sabrina broke in through the windows of the office while Sergeant Gnaar waited around the corner within.
Briefly both sides yielded the initiative to reduce their Stress counters and there was a period of rolling dice but not taking actions until the ideal combination of dice rolls came up. Eventually Sergeant Gnaar rolled two successes and a critical success to activate. This gave him the chance to roll another activation and this too was successful. The resulting four actions allowed him to dodge around the corner and gun down Sabrina before dodging back out of the line of fire.
Another decent set of dice rolls saw him also finish off Kekkex.
So the crew of the free trader Gilgamesh are all captured. Perhaps a prison planet breakout is called for?
Ooh, that's rough! Need to see how they get out of that jam.
Fantastic as always Mr C. Great to see some Rogue Stars back on the table. Looking forward to seeing how the crew of the Gilgamesh get out of this predicament 👍
Traveller prison planet springs to mind. Radioactive mines that need to be traversed to escape. Perhaps some other inmates know of the attempt and both want to catch the last shuttle out of 'town'.
Thanks all! Lot's of ideas for me to consider there!
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