Sharp Practice Resources

Over the years I've used the Land of Counterpane blog to publish a few articles that I thought would be useful to members of the Sharp Practice community. To make them easier to access I'm adding a page here with handy links.

Scenario Design

I've come across more than one set of players who play the game by lining up two "armies" against each other and playing until one side runs out of Force Morale. While I'm reluctant to say that any particular way of enjoying your favourite rules is wrong, in my view if there was a "wrong way to play Sharp Practice", this would be it!

These rules cry out for an engaging scenario with a strong narrative focus. The following may help:

Another source of scenarios is the old first edition book The Compleat Fondler. In this post I work through the process of converting first edition scenarios to the vastly superior second edition.

Rules Queries

One of the more frequently asked-about aspects of the rules is the distinction between different types of skirmishing infantry. The real-world use of titles like "the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry" can cause confusion to some players when it comes to applying modifiers like "Light Infantry firing  +1".  This post was intended as a guide to skirmish troops in Sharp Practice.

Setting-Specific Rules

For my Siege of Puebla game for Steel Lard 2024, I designed some night fighting rules. You can see the final version of them here.

I like to include setting-specific rules amendments to add flavour to my games. For example for the 1812 Livonia campaign I've done this set of Russian Officer Background Tables and another of Prussian Officer Background Tables

Game Markers

Events during a Sharp Practice game can sometimes require us to keep track of changes from one turn to the next. Here's how I made some attractive game markers to keep track of them.


And finally a plea or is it a rant: the name of the game is Sharp Practice! It's kind of a play on words, the phrase "sharp practice" meaning questionable behaviour designed to gain an advantage. Although there's clearly a harking back to Bernard Cornwell's literary hero, it's not "Sharpe Practice" still less "Sharpe's Practice", both of which I frequently see online. Grrrr!

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