In retrospect, 2024 was dominated by a small number of major projects that rather got in the way of playing an interesting variety of games. I'd like to change that this time around.
I very much enjoyed developing and running the Siege of Puebla game but in retrospect I got a bit hyper-focussed during the R&D phase |
As things stand, my objectives for 2025 are as follows:
- Make sure that 2025 is a year of using armies and terrain that I already own, not least the Woebetides and Russia 1812 Sharp Practice stuff.
- Play some rules systems that didn't see the table last year; Arc of Fire and Chain of Command both deserve at least one outing and more TacWWII would also be a good thing.
- Try one new set of rules in the form of Bloody Big Battles. One Saturday afternoon this year will hopefully see Froeschwiller played to a conclusion.
- Bring the Muddy River Blues campaign to its conclusion; it's got a built-in turn limit but got a bit bogged down through one of the players being away on a work trip at the tail end of the year (my Puebla focus didn't help either).
Somewhere up the Muddy River - Likewise finish the Siege of Hachigata mini-campaign we've been playing with The Pikeman's Lament. The next action will see an assault on the castle walls!
- Maybe try a Rogue Stars solo campaign but that's in the very earliest stage of thinking.
- In March, help Simon Miller and Ian Notter run a Gloranthan To The Strongest game at Hammerhead. I'm not providing a load of new units but I am upgrading some existing figures. Oh and look out for a somewhat peculiar single element in the next few weeks when some on-line purchases arrive!
My Sun Dome Templars will make an appearance in Newark - April is likely to see a return to Andreivia at Crisis Point - this should see me scratching the Arc of Fire itch.
- In June last year I ran Harper's Ferry at A Barn Full of Lard. The invite's just come through to attend again this year. I need to decide whether this would be in sensible in light of objective 1 above.
- In July we usually run a game at Joy of Six. Some ideas are being batted around; of which more later.
Last year's Joy of Six offering - Finally in November it should be Steel Lard. I'm still hopeful of persuading someone else to take on the admin. If they do I'll run a Woebetides Sharp Practice game that can be extended to accommodate extra players in the event of a games runner shopping out. Whatever happens I don't intend it to require the building of large amounts of additional terrain.