Wednesday, June 26, 2024

More Muddy River pics

The Muddy River Blues campaign continues. We're now seven campaign turns (three-and-a-half days) into the story and as previously I can't give away too much at this stage. Suffice to say there has been a small skirmish somewhere in Hendricks County, Mississippi.

With just a dozen or so men involved, the game was too small to play out with Sharp Practice so I dusted off Arc of Fire, a nice, flexible set of rules that'll cope with smaller forces.

The top of my plan chest was big enough to represent an area of woodland with a patch of denser undergrowth created using my Woebetides elephant grass pieces.

I played the game solo and used the session to remind myself of the variant activation system we worked out for a past Crisis Point. I'll do a post later this week to explain this in detail.

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