Monday, September 9, 2024

Back from Scotland

I'm now back from a family holiday in southern Scotland with some pictures of a couple of peel towers.

The first is Hallbar Tower (aka Braidwood Castle) where we stayed for the week.

Then we have a few pictures of the tower within the RSPB reserve at Loch Winnoch. This is only accessible on one side but it has a helpful interpretation board.

I still need to build a peel tower to act as a stronghold for one of my Border Reiver HOTT armies.


Steve J. said...

A very cool place to stay and something I've always fancied making, but never quite got around to it...

Counterpane said...

Thanks for commenting Steve. I have a cardboard carton that's a good shape for a peel tower but I think it may be a bit large for 15mm.