Tuesday, September 24, 2024

First Puebla playtest pics

This weekend Andy, Ron, Mark and Dex came over and we had a first run-through of the Puebla game. 

I don't want to reveal too many details here because chunks of the scenario need to be kept confidential but it was a very valuable experience.

A siege is very much in danger of producing a static firefight. It was my intention to design the scenario such that this doesn't happen. Unfortunately on this occasion by best-laid plans went awry. Mark's in ability to roll more than three on 2D6 delayed. matters considerably and led to a long period of ineffective firing between the two sides.

Mexican defenders of the penitentiary

The Renowned Hero of France Capt Lacharde's
men threaten a front-line Mexican position

The Turcos defend a front-line trench

A Mexican conservative gun crew. Their
commander has been lightly wounded by a 
French marksman

Mobility was brought to the battle by the Mexicans, with Captain Victor Vectra leading his men towards a ruined house on the French siege-lines. Unfortunately, just before they got there, Sergeant Ben-Hammim arrived (unaccountably late) with his group of Turco skirmishers.

Ben-Hammim's men let out a deafening blast of musketry that.... had no effect whatsoever! 

The Mexicans (of the Puebla State Militia) charged into the Turco position and fierce hand-to-hand combat ensued. The Mexicans were marginally beaten but being classed as 'Stubborn' they fought on but and were soundly defeated not least because we forgot to add on 3D6 for a second supporting group.

At this point the historical narrative becomes unclear. That is to say I will reveal no more other than to say that a fortunately timed chapter end brought us to a convenient place to stop the action with the French having made some progress in clearing the Mexicans from the first row of buildings within the city.

I've since, in discussions with Mark in particular, decided on some tweaks to the scenario and the special rules bringing it. In particular I'm planning on some night fighting rules derived from Arc of Fire.

I'd like to get in another test game before Steel lard but it'll depend on finding volunteers and finding a weekend when the kitchen isn't full of family-related junk!


Steve J. said...

Superb looking game there and always good to get a test in in advance of a show:).

Counterpane said...

Thanks for that Steve!