Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Late War Luftwaffe

As a break from building Mexican trenches, I did a bit of 3D printing followed by painting recently. The result was this...

It's a Dornier 217K-2 medium bomber in 1/300th scale, resized from a 1/350th scale model I found on Thingiverse.

The K-1 and K-2 versions of the Do 217 were distinctive for their bulbous nose. They were equipped to use the Fritz-X and Henschel 293 glide bombs. The model is based on a picture of one based in western France on anti-shipping duties in 1944. In addition, though, they were also used by the elite KG200 to target Soviet-controlled bridge in 1945.

Clearly with its visible print lines the model is far from perfect but I'm happy enough to use it in my TacWWII games.


Steve J. said...

Nice work there and often hard to get rid of the build lines with small stuff, unless you play around with orientating it to minimise the lines. Once on the table no-one will notice I'm sure.

Counterpane said...

Cheers Steve! Yeah, especially with aircraft, they tend to be on the table only briefly in most rules systems!

Andy T said...

I know that the Me262 and JS2s that you printed for the Prague 48 games had obvious build lines in the zoomed in photos that you put on the blog. When seen "in the flesh" on the tabletop though they were barely noticeable. I'm sure that the Dornier shall serve admirably.

Counterpane said...

Thanks Andy!