Friday, August 16, 2024

Terrain test: Jijiga

Tomorrow sees a first somewhat serious attempt at play-testing some Cold War modifications to TacWWII. Richard P, Ned and Phil (chosen because of their relatively recent familiarity with the rules) are coming over to have a go at the battle of Jijiga.

This is a 1978 battle during the war between the Ethiopian government (the Derg) and the Western Somali Liberation Front. I've adapted the scenario from the late Bruce Rea-Taylor's book Battlezones.

I'm mostly using models already in the collection but I've added a few 3D-printed toys including brightly coloured Somali houses... Ethiopian Air Force F-86 Sabre...

...some Somali T-54s in delightfully bright camo...

...and a BTR-152 to carry the B-10 82mm recoilless rifle I've modified from an H&R piece.


Andy Canham said...

Enjoy the game tomorrow.

Counterpane said...

Cheers Andy!

Steve J. said...

Very nice set up and toys there:). As Pendraken have just added to there Indo-China ranges, I'm now contemplating what theatres-cum-ImagiNations setting I can use them in...

Counterpane said...

Thanks Steve!