Friday, March 31, 2017

I've Been Driving In My Car

... but I've also been painting a Rolls Royce staff car for my Turkish commander.

It's a flea market find given a quick coat of Vallejo Brown Violet (a paint that is conspicuously neither brown nor violet).  Brass for the metal fittings, Russian Uniform for the folded top and Flat Brown for the seats.

The driver is converted from, of all things, a Subbuteo substitute figure.  I've given him a woollen cap to match my infantry but his has the purple crown of late war transport troops.

If I'd had more time I'd have done a better job on the paintwork and added a steering wheel!  I'd also have not risked spraying it with an old can of (not actually matt) matt varnish.


Tales from Shed HQ said...

Great stuff :-)

Fire at Will said...

It's not quite a Jaguar!!!


Andy Canham said...

Looking good. I was going to do something similar, with an old Vauxhall Prince Henry model I picked up on the market, but couldn't find a suitable seated British driver at the WMMS show. Will have to surf the net. Yours has turned out really well.

Cheers, Andy

tsold3000 said...

Yes I wonder at the "Brown violet" of it also.

Counterpane said...

Thanks Guys.

Yes, Will, that was the quote I was thinking of. Of course I could have gone with Feeder's car-Jaguar rhyme: "He's got a brand new car, looks like a Jaguar" from Buck Rogers but I think that might have been a tad too obscure....

Tales from Shed HQ said...

Pop Quiz ;-)

Tales from Shed HQ said...

Ain't No Fun - AC/DC

In my rock n' Rolls Royce with the sun roof down :-)