Saturday, September 28, 2024

ACW Sharp Practice gold

A trip to a local antiques centre yesterday threw up this book, Spies, Scouts and Raiders, potentially marvellous source of American Civil War skirmish scenarios.

It's part of a series of 27 books published in 1985 by Time-Life Books. Apparently the series is quite well-known among ACW enthusiasts but I hadn't come across it before.

This book covers intelligence work, codes and signals, guerrilla operations, the damage and repair of railways, and finishes with some notes on some of the more bizarre technological developments during the war.

There are plenty of contemporary photographs that just cry out to be reflected on the wargames table...

There were lots of these books on sale but at £7.50 each I didn't want to blow my budget. I did, however, sneak a photograph of this plate from First Blood: Fort Sumter to Bull Run

It depicts a scene during the Union retreat from first Manassas, a situation I've thought for some time could make for a fascinating Sharp Practice game. Now should I start sourcing mule-pulled supply wagons?

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