Monday, December 9, 2024

Weird artillery

I've recently had a period of building models out of the stash for no other reason than I fancied doing so. It's quite therapeutic to just think, "I don't need this for a game but sod it, I'll just build it".

The latest thing to come out of the stash is a couple of 20mm scale "French" guns that were in Akheton Models blister packs. The inverted commas reflect that fact that while the diminutive crew are in Adrian helmets, the guns themselves aren't a very good match for any particular weapons.

The barrels look like those of the famous 75mm Mle1897 but the carriage has wheels that are way too small.

I might declare them to be an Andreivian modification of the French gun and draft them into one of our post-WW1 games.


Tales from Shed HQ said...

Excellent work Oh Great and Wise Oracle of Andreivia! Sounds like a plan 👍

Counterpane said...

Thanks Shedmaster!

Steve J. said...

Always good to make something just for the fun of it and who knows, maybe one day they will see action...