Thursday, July 25, 2024

A bit of random painting

At a bit of a loose end this morning, I decided to paint a couple of random figures.

Jamie has a significant collection of the Games Workshop Lord of the Rings figures, mostly unpainted or painted before he'd reached his current skill level. They're now largely abandoned as he's moved on to other projects. Every so often I paint one or two. I may have them all finished in a century or so.

They are nice sculpts and very rewarding to paint. Looking through the Khazad-Dūm sourcebook I think these ones may be Khazad Guards.

Maybe one day we'll do something with them, perhaps with Song of Blades and Heroes?


Steve J. said...

Lovely figures for sure and nice paint job too. I'm not sure I have the time nor the energy to paint 28mm figures now, even though I have some I would love to do for use with Dragon Rampant. BTW the figure on the left looks very similar to a Gimli sculpt I had years ago...

Counterpane said...

Cheers Steve!

I tend to forget about Dragon Rampant. I've got a copy but having played a fair amount of Lion Rampant and The Pikeman's Lament I tend to feel like to itch to use the system is pretty much scratched! I'll think about it though.