Tuesday, July 9, 2024

My City of Ruins

This Sunday sees the Cold War Commanders putting on a game at Joy of Six in Sheffield. We're once more going with the Prague Summer 1948 setting, this time depicting the Soviet airborne assault on the city of Stary Boleslav.

We want people visiting the table more than once to see progress throughout the day so we'll be playing out the action in multiple phases. The terrain is the most visually obvious part of a 6mm game so our terrain will change as the day goes on. 

Among the changes during the day will be a gradual increase in the number of damaged buildings. This means having intact and damaged versions of the same urban modules. I had a couple but I've completed a few more in the last day or so.

These farm buildings have been part of my collection for years. They have been rebased multiple times. I've long forgotten who they were sold by. The colour schemes don't quite match but that's not too much of an issue as they'll never be seen together on the day.

These buildings are typical of many Eastern European cites, Riga in particular. The blue-grey intact building is by Stephen Oates of The Baggage Train. I have two each of the two variations Stephen sells. For a bit of variety I designed and 3D printed the yellow (it's actually pale green; a peculiarity of the lighting) to accompany the Baggage Train models.

The two damaged buildings are based on the same print, one completed and then hacked about a bit and the other part printed and then covered with a variety of texturing material to form a pile of rubble.

The factory complex is largely 3D printed; only the boundary walls are made from cardboard. In the case of the ruined version I chopped cardboard into brick-shaped pieces and stuck them down with Modpodge before painting more over the top to seal them in place.

I actually have a 3D print file somewhere for a damaged version of the chimney but in this case our ruined one is built up from parts of a failed print and the same rubble mix as above.

The ruined and intact versions of the factory buildings are 3D files downloaded from Thingiverse.

If you're going to Joy of Six, please do stop by and say hello.



pancerni said...

Interesting to see the state of the buildings change on the table. Lots of attention to detail. Joy of 6 should be fun.

Counterpane said...

Thanks Pancerni!

Steve J. said...

A neat idea and a good way to track the possible effects of the damage upon movement etc. Have a good show and look forward to seeing the photos from the game:).

Counterpane said...

Cheers Steve!