Friday, March 17, 2023

They've all got it infamy!

I've been meaning for ages to have a go at playing Infamy Infamy. So far I've only had a couple of tries at Ebor Lard and haven't really got my head around the rules.

I don't have suitable forces for the core period covered by the rules (late Republican to early Imperial Rome) but I should be able to do something with my Punic War models albeit they aren't based correctly.

I have some stats for Hastati from a Punic War playtest game Richard Clarke ran a couple of years ago and the rulebook includes Numidian cavalry and skirmishers so I tried a small game. The Numidians peppered the hastati with javelins for several turns before I discovered I'd unwittingly dropped the Roman warlord's card on the floor! No wonder they seemed reluctant to launch a charge!

I then switched to Gauls against Romans. The four sixes show the result of a particularly bloody volley of pila from the legionaries!

I'm keeping on getting my head around the rules and will play a proper game some time soon.


Tales from Shed HQ said...

Need to spend some time with these rules as well šŸ‘

Counterpane said...

Maybe a game in a week or so?