Sunday, April 30, 2023

Missing in Action

I've not posted here for a bit - the real world got in the way in the form of the Covid-19 virus. Having avoided it for three years, I finally picked up a case two weeks ago. I really do recommend that you avoid getting a dose if you can manage it!

I've not done anything much in the way of painting but did manage to do these civilian types for my Steel Lard game:

They are both from the 1st Corps range. In my game they'll represent Colonels Lewis Washington and Robert Lee.

The other recent development has been to finally take the plunge and buy a 3D printer. On a friend's recommendation, I went for the Creality Ender-3 S1 Pro. Several people recommended resin printers but I didn't fancy messing around with liquid resin, having to UV cure models etc.

So far I've produced a single Doric column (more to follow) and a sabot base...

It's a struggle to get the hang of this - I feel like I'm missing a genuinely comprehensive instruction book but I'm sure I'll get there eventually.


Fire at Will said...

Well done for taking the plunge and good luck

Counterpane said...

Cheers Will. I'm aware I have a big learning curve to climb!

Steve J. said...

Sorry to hear you caught the virus and I certianly don't want to catch it again, as it knocked me for six! Having had 3D printers at work and seen first hand all the faff and paraphenalia required to keep them working properly, they're certainly not something I'll ever invest in. Hope you get yours working OK soon and lookk forward to seeing the results.

A J said...

My sympathies. My wife and me had the damned bug last month and I still get tired easily. Those figures look nice. Tempted to get a 3D printer.

Counterpane said...

Thanks Steve. I'm finding the 3D printing a bit frustrating at present. Build plate adhesion is proving very problematic.

At present I'm just experimenting with variations on Z-offset and build plate temperature in the hope of hitting on a combination that works reliably!

Counterpane said...

Thanks AJ.

Come back to me in a few weeks and I may be sufficiently confident with the beast to recommend it. At present ... not so much!

Jamie said...

Glad you are feeling better and good luck with the 3D printer.

Counterpane said...

Thanks Jamie!